DHW International (Alkmaar)
Kennemerstraatweg 303a, Postbus 3013Alkmaar
1801 GA
General enquiries
- T:
- +31 88 518 00 00
- W:
- www.dhw-international.com
Local time
Our history
DHW International was established in 1980 and has grown into a full-service accounting firm with five locations in the Northwest of The Netherlands (near Amsterdam). Our firm currently employs approximately 150 personnel, and is able to provide most services requested by SME companies: audit, accounting, tax advisory, payroll, legal and corporate finance.
What makes us different?
Our mission revolves around trust: our aim is that clients will call us first, when they have a question or encounter a problem. That is what gives us energy. As a one-stop shop service provider, we strive to help our clients in every step of their journey. Because we're proud of the knowledge and expertise we have to offer. Above all, you can rely on us. We care about our clients and deliver professional work based on mutual trust. We take responsibility and persevere when the situation calls for it. We also ask critical questions when required, but in any case, we are hospitable and involved.
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