Grupo KMC Del Barrio y Cía

Grupo KMC Del Barrio y Cía


J Enrique Pestalozzi No 914
Colonia Del Valle
Ciudad de México

General enquiries

+52 55 75 06 33

Local time

Groupo KMC is an association of independent accounting firms, with a presence in the most important cities of Mexico. Our clients, have at their disposal, a group of professionals capable of providing accounting, audit and business consulting services throughout the Mexican Republic. Together, our member firms are motivated by the common desire of using their knowledge to benefit their clients.

Key contacts

Our history

We were founded in 2000 by firms with more than 40 years in the profession. We are now a highly qualified team of over 300 professional accountants with expertise across different areas of specialisation in accounting.

What makes us different?

We provide personal attention to our clients and are able to support both national and international requirements. We have comprehensive coverage with associated firms in all major cities in the Mexican Republic, including Tijuana, Chihuahua, San Luis Potosí, Celaya and Mexico City.

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This form collects your contact details so that we can process your application. In addition to emails related to the setting up and administration of your account on the Morison Global members website, we may send you newsletters or other promotions relevant to your areas of interest. We will never share your personal information with a third party. Please read our privacy policy; to proceed, you will need to check the box below to indicate your acknowledgment: