Today, Wednesday 10 November, is International Accounting Day. Morison Global is a rich, diverse and dynamic community of 150 members across 75 countries. Alongside our objective of providing our members and their clients with comprehensive access to high-quality professional services in key markets around the world, we are also dedicated to supporting the young professionals within our firms. Recently we held a great training session on IFRS 15 which drew 80 attendees from within our member firms, with 100% of feedback describing the event as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’.
To celebrate International Accounting Day, our Morison Global Board of Directors have kindly imparted their own advice to those younger professionals with some top tips:
- "You are a new entrepreneur. Learn to think as an entrepreneur. Learn to act like an entrepreneur. Every accountant is in business for themselves, responsible for their own capacity, growth, skills, integrity, reputation, and service to clients. The most important skill you can learn is how to get new clients, and to astonish and delight them." Ignacio Cavallero, Chair of Morison Global Latin America and Partner at S&A Auditores y Consultores (Argentina)
- “Keep an open mind, there are good professionals everywhere, not just within the chest-thumping big firms.” Jeff Singer, Chair of Morison Global Europe and Partner at ILV SILVER (Spain)
- “My advice to those entering our profession is to develop a healthy mindset - learn how to adapt to change and approach every new project or relationship as an opportunity to learn and grow.” Mark Baran, Vice-Chair of Morison Global and Principal of Marks Paneth LLP (US)
- "To the next generation of accountants, I encourage you to be inquisitive, always strive for excellence not perfection, and always do your best to maintain a positive attitude especially when you are feeling overwhelmed. With the right attitude and the courage to ask for help when you need it, nothing can stop you from accomplishing your career goals. I also encourage you to lean on your senior colleagues at every opportunity. They have each walked in your shoes, at the onset of their careers, so they can truly empathize with you; they know how you feel, the insecurities and the frustrations that often result from day-to-day challenges of this profession. Lean on them for advice and support." Sandra Ataman, Chair of Morison Global North America and Partner at McCarney Group LLP (Canada)

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